showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeargame typetags
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link  Nintendo1988action/reflex platformer role-play Fantasy 3dsvirtualconsole achillesheelfoes adv-intermediary adv-xpdistr amoeboids blacksheep bossbattles bridge cemetery chosenone consoleclassix disappearingplatforms dragons dragons-eastern elevators elvenprotagonist elves fantasyworld fetching fictionaluniverse firstpartytitle flatterrain forest genrechange giantspiders giantworms gunblades healingstations healthwarning hiddenattributes humanoidprotagonist insectoids inventory jumping keys lives magic mapdeficient meleeweapons metroidvania monsters mountain nesclassic nohumans notnintendocontentguid plains rooftops ruins saveram serious shinto simulacrums skeletonkey stereo subterranean suppression swords teenprotagonist tombstones town traproom trivialresearch walking wasteland watercraft-small wiivirtualconsole xp-kills xp-objects zelda zelda-universe labelimagesubject
Hell Fighter Sachen (Thin Chen Enterprise)1992beat 'em up platformer birds bodyarmor bossbattles caterpillars compositefoes containers crabs crustaceans demons digging directionalforce-movingsurface disappearingplatforms dismemberment dogs dragons forest giantanimals guidedweapons instantdeath jumping knives liches lives motorboat movingplatforms noupc powerups primates retrypoints score skeletons snakes temple thrownweapons walking weather wintery labelimagesubject
Solstice: The Quest for the Staff of Demnos  Sony Imagesoft;Epic Sony Records (Software Creations)1990platformer puzzle Fantasy amoeboids automap consoleclassix deadlydecor disappearingplatforms finiteresources forest gameprogress humanoidprotagonist inventory keys knightlorelike limitedcapacity limitedsupplies losemap monsters movingplatforms noports nosaves roombased sorcery stereo subterranean traproom labelimagesubject
The Flintstones  Taito;Nintendo (Taito)1991platformer Cartoon animals bludgeons cartoon consoleclassix dinosaurs disappearingplatforms earth firstpartytitle hannabarbera harmfultouch jumping maleprotagonist meleeweapons platformer prehistoric-theme primates rescue theflintstones walking labelimageminimize